Puzzle Solving Statistics
There are currently 27938 registered users on the site. 5 members registered in the last week, for an average of 0.7 new members each day.
The following puzzle solving statistics are based on the status of users who have given answers to all 7 puzzles, and submitted their solutions on the X Marks The Spot page. This may give you an idea of which puzzles most people found hardest. Percentage of correct answers is shown next to each puzzle.
Currently 2925 members have submitted their solutions at least once.
Puzzle #1: Races And Wild Rides61%
Puzzle #2: Vowels And Consonants33%
Puzzle #3: Lightning Bugs23%
Puzzle #4: Friends At A Party40%
Puzzle #5: Colored Emotions29%
Puzzle #6: Overly Verbose25%
Puzzle #7: Odds And Ends22%
Of the 2925 members who have submitted their solutions, 363 correctly solved all the puzzles and successfully completed the final challenge!
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