History : World
Whether you are a teacher or parent who is teaching children the alphabet, or just someone who loves words, alphabetizing, alliteration, or all of the above, we hope you find these word lists useful.
These are not meant to be exhaustive--just thorough, covering the basics from many categories that can be tied to the academic curriculum.
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African Slave Trade, Alexander the Great, Anglo-Saxons, Archimedes, Aristotle, Attila the Hun, AztecsB
Babylon, Bacon (Francis), Black Death, British Empire, Bronze Age, Buddha, Byzantine EmpireC
Capitalism, Captain James Cook, Catherine the Great, Centurion (Rome), Charlemagne, Churchill (Winston), Cleopatra, Colonialism, Communism, Confucius, Constantine, Constantinople, Crusades (The), Cuneiform, Curie (Marie)D
Dalai Lama, Darwin (Charles), Descartes (Rene), Drake (Francis)E
East India Trading Company, Egypt, Einstein (Albert), Emperor, Empress, EnlightenmentF
Feudalism, Frank (Anne), Freud (Sigmund)G
Galileo, Gandhi (Mahatma), Genghis Khan, Greece, Greek, Gutenberg (Johannes)H
Hawking (Stephen), Hieroglyphs (Egypt), Hitler (Adolf), Homer (Greece)I
Inca Empire, Information Age, Iron Age, Islamic ConquestsJ
Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, Julius CaesarK
King Alfred, King Henry VIII, King Solomon (Israel)L
Latin, Leif EricksonM
Magellan, Mandela (Nelson), Marx (Karl), Mary Queen of Scots, Mayans, Mesopotamia, Middle Ages, Ming Dynasty (China), Mongols, MuhammadN
Napoleon Bonaparte, Nazi Germany, Nero, Newton (Isaac), Nightingale (Florence), Nuclear WarO
Ottoman EmpireP
Pasteur (Louis), Persia, Pharaoh, Plato, Polo (Marco), President, Prime Minister, Protestant ReformationQ
Qin Dynasty (China), Queen Elizabeth I, Queen of Sheba, Queen VictoriaR
Ramses II, Rasputin, Renaissance, Robert the Bruce (Scotland), Roman Catholic Church, Roman Empire, RomeS
Saint Paul, Shakespeare, Socrates, Stalin (Joseph)T
Thatcher (Margaret), Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, TutankhamunU
United NationsV
Victorian Era, Vikings, VoltaireW
Wilberforce (William), World War I, World War IIX
Xia Dynasty (China)Z
Zanzibar (Africa)Blogs on This Site