History : USA
Whether you are a teacher or parent who is teaching children the alphabet, or just someone who loves words, alphabetizing, alliteration, or all of the above, we hope you find these word lists useful.
These are not meant to be exhaustive--just thorough, covering the basics from many categories that can be tied to the academic curriculum.
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Abolition, Adams (Abigail), Adams (John Quincey), Adams (John), Alamo, Amendments, Anthony (Susan B.), Antietam, Apache, Apollo 11, Armstrong (Neil)B
Baby Boomers, Bill of Rights, Bootleggers, Boston Tea Party, Buchanan (James), Bull Run (Battle), Bunker Hill (Battle), Bush (George H. W.), Bush (George W.)C
Carnegie (Andrew), Carter (Jimmy), Chamberlain (Joshua Lawrence), Cherokee, Civil Rights Movement, Civil War, Cleveland (Grover), Clinton (Bill), Cold War, Columbus (Christopher), Confederacy, Constitution, Continental Congress, Coolidge (Calvin), Cuban Missile CrisisD
D-Day, Declaration of Independence, Disney (Walt), Douglass (Frederick), Dust BowlE
Earhart (Amelia), Edison (Thomas), Eisenhower (Dwight), Emancipation ProclamationF
Ford (Gerald), Fort Knox, Franklin (Benjamin), French and Indian WarG
Gates (Bill), Generation X, Gettysburg, Gilded Age, Gold Rush, Gone with the Wind, Grant (Ulysses), Great DepressionH
Hamilton (Alexander), Harlem Reniassance, Hawthorne (Nathaniel), Hemmingway (Ernest), Hiroshima, Hoover (Herbert), Huckleberry FinnI
Immigration, Inauguration, Independence Hall, Industrial Revolution, Iroquois, Iwo Jima (Battle)J
Jackson (Andrew), Jamestown, Jazz Age, Jefferson (Thomas), Jim Crow Laws, Jobs (Steve), Johnson (Lyndon B.)K
Kennedy (John F.), Key (Francis Scott), King (Martin Luther), King Philip’s War, Kitty Hawk (First Flight), Korean WarL
Lafayette (Marquis), Lewis and Clark Expedition, Liberty Bell, Lincoln (Abraham), Lindbergh (Charles), Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth), Louisiana TerritoryM
Madison (James), Malcolm X, Manifest Destiny, Mayflower, Millay (Edna St. Vincent), Monroe (James)N
NASA, Native Americans, Nixon (Richard)O
Obama (Barack)P
Panama Canal, Parks (Rosa), Pearl Harbor, Pilgrims, Pioneers, Pocahontas, Poe (Edgar Allen), Polk (James), Powhatan, Prohibition, PuritansR
Reagan (Ronald), Reconstruction Era, Revolutionary War, Rockefeller (John D.), Roosevelt (Eleanor), Roosevelt (Franklin D.), Roosevelt (Theodore), Ross (Betsy)S
Sakagawea, Seminole, Seneca Falls, September 11, Sioux, Smith (John), Social Security, Space Race, Spirit of St. Louis, Squanto, Stanton (Elizabeth Cady), Star Spangled Banner, Statue of Liberty, Stowe (Harriet Beecher)T
Taft (William Howard), Thirteen Colonies, Trail of Tears, Transcontinental Railroad, Truman (Harry), Tubman (Harriet), Twain (Mark)U
Uncle Tom’s CabinV
Van Buren (Martin), Vietnam WarW
Wabanaki, Wall Street, Wampanoag, War of 1812, Washington (George), Watergate Scandal, White House, Wilson (Woodrow), Wright (Wilbur and Orville)Blogs on This Site