Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Ferdinand on July 15, 2008
"There are too many poems here about rhinos. "
Horace the Hippo Complains
Horace the Hippo was feeling quite lonely,And nobody noticed his sad little pout,
With a mutter and sigh he exclaimed, "Oh, if only
My cousin the Rhino were not such a lout!
"He pokes me and prods me, and jabs with his horn,
He snorts and he sneers as he stampedes along,
He laughs at my bulk and he treats me with scorn;
His behavior is brutish and cruel and wrong!
"And I know that his name sort of rhymes with preposterous -
It's convenient for poets, I'm sure you'll agree,
But that's no excuse to compose for rhinoceros,
When instead you could write a nice poem for me!"
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